How portfolio boards can drive value creation

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Duncan Ramsay recently joined a Real Deals roundtable to discuss how boards can embrace innovation and the key levers at their disposal for driving value creation.

With more investors, like ECI, having dedicated individuals covering value-add project streams, there is more capacity than ever to offer hands-on support to management. Different firms deliver this in different ways, for example, Duncan comments that at ECI there is no playbook, but there is “expertise as needed.” A good example of how this can help Boards add value would be on M&A, where ECI have a dedicated team working alongside management teams to help them define strategy, map and prioritise opportunities, and execute on the deal.

However, Duncan comments, that it’s less about who is to hand and more about alignment. He states: “[Operations teams are] being more widely used. but whether you are working with an operational team or not, it’s all about aligning objectives and working collaboratively to address areas of improvement. We join the deal team right at the start of the process to make sure that alignment is in place from the beginning. Increasingly you are seeing management teams express a desire for additional support in certain areas, so our aim is to adapt our approach and provide the right help based on the specific needs and preferences of each management team.

A good example of this is technology, where having an ex-CTO to hand like ECI Growth Specialist, Badr Khan, can offer valuable insight and help navigate complex projects.

Please read the full article here, to discover more of the panel’s commentary on the demand for value creation support and how investors are evolving their offering in response.

About the author

Duncan Ramsay

"I split my time between assessing new deals for ECI and supporting our portfolio companies in driving their value creation agenda as a member of ECI’s Commercial Team. I have spent my career focused on growth, both working within a “real business”, and in consulting – and I bring that experience to bear at ECI."

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