“Quick Fire” with Tamsin Webster

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In our latest Quick Fire, we sat down with Tamsin Webster, ECI’s Head of People, to discuss her experience joining the team, how HR has evolved and the most important trait needed for working in people management.

Q: You’ve been at ECI for three months now. Has it been as expected?

Yes, definitely. I’ve worked with investment professionals for most of my career, so I had a good sense of the environment and the type of people I’d be working with.

The interview process was also very thorough and included a case study response. The leadership team was very engaged during the different stages, and their collaborative style reflects exactly what I’ve encountered since joining. The whole interview process gave me a good picture of what to expect, and I chose ECI as a result. I’m glad to say that reality is completely aligned with my expectations.

Q: What does your role as Head of People entail?

At the moment, my focus is on ECI internally, rather than directly working with our portfolio companies. I’ll be building on the established processes and systems – recruitment, performance management, feedback and development – as well as maintaining and evolving our culture.

I’m also starting to build ways to help our Investment Team so they have the best tools / processes available to support their portfolio companies. They balance multiple roles in the investment cycle with each phase requiring different skills, and I’ll be looking to create tools to make sure they have everything they need to navigate all the stages confidently.

Q: What challenges do mid-market companies face when it comes to people management?

One of the biggest challenges is that mid-market companies don’t have the brand recognition of larger corporations, so they need to work harder to attract top talent, and in a more competitive market, need to offer something compelling. This isn’t just about salary or benefits but the entire experience, from the first interview to onboarding and beyond. Candidates need to feel connected to the company’s vision and growth story, which can be a unique selling point for smaller businesses.

Once hired, it’s about making sure employees feel engaged and valued, especially as the company grows and evolves. Creating a strong, personalised experience for employees can go a long way in retaining top talent in the long term.

Q: How has HR evolved since the pandemic?

The pandemic accelerated changes that were already underway in the HR world. The shift to remote work and flexible schedules pushed companies to think more about employee wellbeing, productivity, and engagement in new ways. The traditional employer-employee dynamic has shifted from being very much employer-driven, to more employee-driven, and the pandemic sped up that transition.

The talent market has also opened up geographically. Now, companies can tap into talent from anywhere, which brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. There’s more on the HR agenda than ever before, and the nuances of managing people have become more complex. It’s no longer just about policies and procedures, but about creating an environment that takes individual needs into account while maintaining alignment with business goals.

Q: What’s the most important trait for working in HR?

Balance. As Head of People, I often sit in the middle of multiple perspectives: the employees, the leadership team, and the business as a whole. You have to understand the needs of each group and find a solution that works for everyone while ensuring the long-term success of the business.

It’s also important to be confident and be able to influence. Sometimes, you need to challenge the status quo or push back on decisions, but always in a way that brings people along on the journey.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working in people management?

I love that I can directly add value to the business every day. Whether it’s solving a problem, helping someone develop a new skill, or making sure the right person joins the team, I know I’m making a tangible difference. For me, it’s not about just making people happy—it’s about driving results that benefit both the business and its people.

Quick Fire with Tamsin: 

What do you do to unwind?

I’ve been working on a garden project for the past three years, so I spend most of my free time gardening and growing vegetables. I also have a dog, so between him and the garden, I’m pretty busy!

Favourite film?

It would have to be a favourite genre – sci-fi. There’s something about the storytelling that resonates with me.

Who’s inspired you the most?

At every key milestone in my career, I’ve been lucky to have amazing bosses who showed me what a role model could be. Importantly teaching me how to understand what people need, what their motivations are, and then, alter my narrative as necessary to bring people on the journey.

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Be patient. My natural style is to get things done. I’m very action-orientated and results driven, but sometimes patience is important to get the right answers and bring people with you.

What’s your superpower?

I have a knack for connecting seemingly unrelated dots and coming up with creative solutions to problems that others might not see.

ECI wins two awards at the 2024 Real Deals Private Equity Awards